Tourist Traps in Rhodes – How to Avoid Them

Rhodes is among those islands in Greece that are always crowded with tourists all year-round. It is the epitome of beauty that people from across the globe flock here. But, while the island attracts tourists, these tourists also attract people who are only after making money off the visitors. That makes you wonder ”Is Rhodes island safe”? There are some that promise to offer great services only for you to find out that they are a complete waste of money and time. Unfortunately, whether you like it or not, you will find some traces of it even in the seemingly innocent island. However, don’t let these infamous tourist traps in Rhodes stop you from exploring the wonders of the island.

As long as you know what you should watch out for and how you can keep yourself protected, you can look forward to an enjoyable travel experience with no need to worry about getting ripped off in different ways.

Most Usual Tourist Traps in Rhodes island

The Last Resort

resorts in rhodes island

There are several resorts like Kiotari or Kolimpia that are similar to most other resorts all over the world. These are the resorts that are made especially for people who prefer to spend all their time at the resort not doing anything else.

But, while these resorts are nice, they don’t really offer authentic Greek experience. There are also resorts that are supposed to be similar to the real thing yet. Their prices tend to be high and might not be authentic in the first place.

How to avoid it: Always consider several resorts first before settling for one.

The Itinerant Ladies

There are ladies around the Old Town and the harbor that sell good luck charms, trinkets, and even psychic readings. They will attempt giving you a reading only to make you pay regardless of whether you agreed to it or not. 

How to avoid it: Try to stay away from these or ignore them when they approach you so save yourself from an unwanted expense.

The New Market

new market of Rhodes

The term New market may sound official and this might be on other islands of Greece. However, at Rhodes Island, New market is nothing but a tourist trap. This is at the Mandraki harbor yet the building itself is impressive, dirty and in poor condition though. There are also merchants that sell highly priced and unauthentic items.

How to avoid it: It is best to head for shopping to the downtown area instead that is just several minutes away.


The ''Large Beer'' Scam

large beer tourist trap in rhodes island

Visiting Rhodes will never be complete without a visit in the Old Town. Most of the ”things to do” travel guides suggest you to have a drink there. However, there are some bars that may rip you off with the most usual scam in Rhodes island. In most local bars, with a regular order you are given a glass of wine and a pint of beer. But, there are some bars that may give you a large glass of house wine and a very large glass of boot beer.

Aside from being unappealing, finishing the drink may be a complete struggle that may rob you of valuable time of sightseeing. On top of that, it will even cost you several euros, which is definitely not good news if you are on a budget.

How to avoid it: In general, avoid consuming anything in the Old Town as the most likely you will be overcharged like every tourist place. But if you still want to do it at any cost look for bars that provide menus or ask the total price before your order. Additionally, you can take a look of the relevant topic on Trip Advisor’s website and avoid like plaque the mentioned places.


The Broken Taxi Meter

broken taxi meter meme

This is one of the most usual tourist traps in Rhodes island. It may perfectly seem reasonable but always watch out for taxi drivers that claim-or not-that they have a broken taxi meter. For the first case, they will probably suggest that you pay an upfront fare for your ride. In the second one, you will notice the price digits to increase like crazy. In both cases, for sure, the amount will be far from reasonable.

How to avoid it: It is always a good idea that you check if the meter is working to ensure that you don’t pay for another person’s trip on top of yours. If not working at all, ask the driver kindly to turn it on. Last but not least, be advised of the pricelist signs at every taxi station.


The Forgetful Driver

On top of that, another usual scam you could face in Rhodes are the drivers who ”forget” that you have already paid your transfer. Some drivers are dishonest and can take advantage of people who have booked their transfers a long time ago and they forgot that paid online. At the end of the ride they ask you for the payment in a natural way that-even if you are sure about the pre-payment-they make you doubt about it. If you argue about it they will simply apologize and excuse themselves that forgot it. If you don’t, they will finish their shift with a very good tip!

How to avoid it: It is always important to do a good research before choosing a reliable transfer company for your transportations. Then, just remember to keep the voucher as well as the online payment receipt on you. By this, they cannot take advantage of the fact that you have any doubts of payment happened or not.


The Mysterious Damage to the Rental Vehicle

rental car scam

It will never be an acceptable excuse that you don’t remember denting your rental car. Especially if the rental provider is out to sting you with a damage that didn’t exist or was already there in the first place.

How to avoid it: The best tip to keep yourself safe from this tourist trap is actually quite simple. Don’t forget to take photos of every single inch of the rented car, scooter, or bicycle. As well as the registration papers right before and after driving away with it. This way, you will have solid evidence of your exceptional driving ability.

A useful general tip to avoid someone ripping you off is to familiarize yourself with the currency of the place ahead of time. Do a research online about the common purchase amounts so you can understand right away if someone is a scammer or not.

In general, always keep your wits about you during your stay in Rhodes island. Think twice before you accept or give anything from complete strangers who seem helpful. Following these, it will be less likely for you to become a victim of any of these common tourist traps.

Stay safe and witty during your Rhodes Island travel!

Have you ever been scammed? Do you know any other kind of scams or tourist traps in Rhodes island and believe that should mentioned? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below and we will add it shortly. Also, if you believe this article would be helpful to someone else share it through your social media!

About the author

I have been working in the tourism industry more than 10 years, gaining experience in tour operating, transportation and accommodation. As a seasoned tour leader, I am passionate about developing tourist services and making them unique experiences. In addition to tour leader job, I am also involved in digital marketing and article blogging. Outside of the office, I enjoy travelling, photography and enriching my knowledge with new skills.

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